
Creationist Neurosurgeon Ben Carson: Legal Abortions Are Exactly Like Human Sacrifice

lawhawk7/02/2014 8:59:15 am PDT

re: #369 Dr. Matt

Here’s the underlying stats.

The demographics are here. 26% identify as GOP; 31% D, and 35% I; 7% other.

Those would appear to be valid figures, but the poll doesn’t quite bode as poorly for Obama as Time wants it to be.

In listing presidents since WWII (taking info from Q35), Obama is ahead of Truman, Ike, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, GHWB, and GWB.

Ahead of him: Reagan (35); Clinton (18); JFK (15), and then Obama (8).

Reagan’s numbers are inflated because Reagan is chosen by 66% of Rs, to the exclusion of all others (none of whom get more than 6%. Democrats spread the love among JFK, Clinton, Obama, and a handful of others.

The Q36 listing worst presidents shows that Obama and GWB are seen negatively by the opposite party in nearly similar levels. Independents are more sour on Obama than GWB, but that’s also a function of time and distance between Administrations/actions and retrospective views.

On Q37 - asking whether GWB or Obama are better, it’s a near split - 39/40, with predictable party line splits.