
Wednesday Night Jam: Nickel Creek Live at NPR

Lidane8/28/2014 9:11:12 am PDT

Teabaggers are political geniuses, y’all —

A national Tea Party group hopes to annoy liberals by selling bumper stickers bearing the Cold War-era slogan “America: Love It Or Leave It.” is protesting news that the Obama administration may sidestep Congress to draft an international climate change agreement by urging conservatives to antagonize Prius drivers.

The conservative group sent out a fundraising email urging members to “send those elected parasites packing in November,” reported the Washington Times.

“For the rest of the week, here is something you can do to annoy every Prius driver with an Obama sticker in the back window,” the group says. “For every donation over $3 this week, we have brought back a classic phrase to make it clear how you feel. Bumper stickers will not change the world, but everyone will know exactly how you feel.”