
Reports: Harris Thought Adopted Daughters Were Possessed by Demons

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)3/11/2015 3:54:03 pm PDT

re: #366 Backwoods_Sleuth

Last week, D_F congratulated me for pointing out Illinois Congressional District 4 as one of the worst gerrymandered districts in the country.
He congratulated because, despite all the many times that I have mentioned here that I am a Republican, he thought I was a Dem calling out Dems for gerrymander abuse.
Apparently D_F believes that being a Republican automatically equates with being a wingnut extreme right conservative, as we see happening today.
For the record, there are some of us who remain Republicans because we still want to have a voice at the polls in states (like mine) where local elections have serious consequences at the primary election level.

I actually didn’t know you were one but I really think part of what gives him rose colored glasses is strange as it may seem is the fact he lives in a pretty blue area of a quite blue state. He just assumes because Illinois Republicans like Kirk and the new governor there may not be wingnutty like Bachmann that they’re not part of the problem but as we saw Kirk did sign that letter and some of the Illinois folks pointed out that governor suffers from the same crap mindset on economics that most GOPers do. I really don’t want to bash the guy but I really really wish he’d realize that this isn’t his father’s GOP anymore and that frankly the Democratic party resembles a center right party more than the GOP does. I understand people who stay registered. I’m technically an independent given the open registration here in Va though I almost exclusively vote in Dem primaries in part since the GOP will have conventions often here to decide candidates which by the way is why Va’s then Lt Governor opted not to run against Cuccinneli since he’d be toast at such a convention which favors the nutty wing more. Plus I think he really does see the GOP like a favorite sports team and that’s a really immature way to approach policy.