
Overnight Podcast: The Bubble Genius Bob and Chez Show, 9/3/15

Dr. Matt9/04/2015 10:26:15 am PDT

Those SYG laws are working just swimmingly.

Florida security guard admits killing unarmed black man: ‘I was arrested because of George Zimmerman’

“The reason the evidence was fabricated is because I’m white,” Kendle told jurors.

“The subjects I shot were African-American, I can prove that,” he continued. “What they’re not allowing me to tell you is that I was arrested because of the George Zimmerman shooting.”


Kendle told jurors he would not testify on his own behalf, but in opening statements he described Byrd and Smathers as “forward aggressors.”

“They forced me to survive,” Kendle said. “I’m paid to protect. Having no duty to retreat, I stood my ground.”