
Overnight Open Thread

Killian Bundy2/16/2009 3:44:42 am PST

re: #333 J.D.

How long?

Oh. You mean long ago.

You still miss them.

Last month, I had my last one laid to rest. It’s the first time I’ve ever had to do that. Still miss her every day…she was so sweet…

I’d have to go back and look at the vet records. Both had to be affirmatively put down in old age for medical conditions. Half brothers, both purebred white coat exotics, like Bob (see avatar). And then there was show cat Champion Premier Kadiska’s Not So Raggedy Andy. He died at home, peacefully, of natural causes in old age.

/and now there’s Bill, he’s only 3/4 Exotic because there was a breech of security and his grandfather jumped the fence