
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

nikis-knight5/05/2009 4:29:14 pm PDT

re: #362 pjaicomo

Alright, then would you be convicting women who sought illegal abortions of first degree murder? Along with the doctors?

The exact details of the punishments can worked out by legislatures. I would make both of those illegal in any nation I ran, at least without significant risk to the mother, and I am ambivalent about rape and brain-dead children. (I mean, abortions in those cases; of course I am extremly against rape and birth defects. but I would not push to exclude exceptions to rape, even though it is sad that the child should die for the father’s crime.)
I think abortion doctors should lose medical liscenses and be jailed for a time, women who go to them fined something that makes birth and adoption a better choice in whatever calcuation that they make.