
Poll: Majority of Americans Oppose GOP's Windfall for the Rich

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)12/03/2010 7:36:45 pm PST

re: #377 NamDoc67

You’re missing the point by a broad mile. You said this:

My whole point, which you apparently don’t get, is about spin: the absurdity of the mindset which believes that one is somehow being given something by the government (a “windfall”) merely because the government declines to take from him more of what is his in the first place. He isn’t “getting” or being “given” anything.

The relationship between citizen and government is mutual. Both give to each other, or neither do. But it is fallacious to say that the property that a person acquired while under the protection of the government, in the society of laws safeguarded by that government, rights guaranteed by that government, solely belongs to him alone and he owes no duty of it to the government that he has a symbiotic relationship with.

Do you understand?