
Palin Reacts to Akin Flap With Bizarre Disconnected Rant

Lidane8/22/2012 8:37:51 am PDT

Romney HQ engages in a bit of wishful thinking:

Romney Camp Sets Lofty Goal: 38 Percent Of Latino Vote

The Romney campaign has set an ambitious goal for the portion of the Latino vote necessary to defeat President Barack Obama.

Jose Fuentes, a co-chairman of Mitt Romney’s Latino leadership team and former attorney general of Puerto Rico, told The Hill that the Republican ticket is aiming to claim 38 percent of the Latino vote in November — larger than the 31 percent captured by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in 2008 and just a shade below the impressive 40 percent mark reached by former President George W. Bush in 2004.

Heh. Good luck with that.