
Heritage Foundation's Jim DeMint Promises More Obamacare Insanity

lawhawk10/18/2013 1:24:26 pm PDT

Oh joy of joys, I’m watching people try to claim that the nullification movement down in the Carolina’s isn’t a secessionist movement. These people haven’t paid attention to history, or the law for that matter.

As Chris Fitzsimon has been pointing out lately, a group calling itself “Nullify Now” will meet at the Raleigh Convention Center tomorrow. The event is, amazingly enough, co-sponsored by Republican U.S. Senate candidate Greg Brannon of Cary. Brannon, of course, is the fellow who recently picked up the endorsement of national Tea Party favorite, Rand Paul.

In addition to Brannon, the nullifier event is also co-sponsored by, among other fun groups, the North Carolina League of the South — a group that calls for secession from the United States, a western NC branch the certifiable Glenn Beck creation known as the 9-12 Project, something called Dr. Dan’s Freedom Forum (a website apparently founded by an Asheville-area tea partier who has run for congress in the past) and, not surprisingly, a for-profit gold and silver retailer.

They cannot nullify this federal law because they don’t like it. The South tried it once. They lost. Threw the nation into the worst war the continent had seen, and there are some in the South still convinced that the outcome should have gone their way - or think that they came out on top, or try to reverse the results.