
How Edward Snowden Helped China Hack the US

sagehen11/01/2013 7:52:36 pm PDT

re: #30 GeneJockey

So, there’s a football game at the High School across the street, and they band is playing to warm the crowd up.

It sounded familiar. Took me a moment, then I came up with it - Gary Glitter’s “Rock and Roll Part 1”.

Somehow, a High School playing the most famous song from a multiply-convicted pedophile seems….wrong.

Art stands on its own merits, separate from the merits (or lack thereof) of the artist.

That’s why I can enjoy “Ender’s Game”; or Kipling or Wagner or Meatloaf or Phil Spector. (still can’t manage Mel Gibson, but maybe that’s because his work just isn’t that good anyway).