
NPR: Snowden May Have Stolen 1.7 Million NSA Documents

spiderx12/17/2013 6:11:27 pm PST

re: #28 Lidane

No he didn’t. He made himself the story. Fuck him.

Anyone who’s paid attention since the Patriot Act was pushed through in 2001 knew that it was a shitty law. They also knew the NSA had issues. They’re the same issues plaguing the rest of the government — technology is outpacing the law. By the time people have figured out one generation of technology and written laws for it, another two or three generations of tech have come and replaced the previous tech.

Okay, so he didn’t expose any NSA secret programs now? Gotcha

Look, if he would have stayed in the US instead of fleeing to Russia then I’d be calling him a hero. If it wasn’t for Snowden we wouldn’t have known that every single one of our emails was being collected and mined for meta data and who knows what else.

He’s a bad guy for fleeing to Russia and probably for releasing more than he should have. But it’s not black and white. A lot of what he did release exposed NSA wrongdoing. And that’s a good thing.