
How Administration Officials Cried 'Terrorism' to Cover Up a Paperwork Error

Scottish Dragon2/11/2014 4:10:28 pm PST

re: #27 Justanotherhuman

Not sure I’d agree with Popehat’s broad assumption. After all, Shaneekwa the hair braider was the one who drove drunk the wrong way and killed 6 people.

And Loudmouth Bob was the guy on trial this date who killed those kids in the convenience store parking lot allegedly for playing their music too loud.

Whether or not they intend to be, we have bad actors in society such as the 2 cited. It’s also why every person, no matter what we think of their act, deserves a defense.

And there are always going to be people who get up in the morning, every morning, thinking someone has pissed in their Cheerios. No State, no matter what the ideology, will ever be good enough for them.

Many many incidents of highly questionable LE shootings involving people of color or poor whites without social connections that always end up as “officer found to be within department guidelines”.

It doesn’t always end up with the social lower strata. Google “Cheye Calvo” and see what happened to him and his wife and mother. Also look here and here. That last one is especially nightmarish…and all those examples were middle class white people (or in the Calvo case, very upper class top 5%) who never had any LE contacts before. People or pets still ended up dead and the officers who mistakenly (or deliberately) shot them were not punished. What can people of color expect when they are shot for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time?