
Overnight Open Thread

Vicious Babushka3/31/2015 1:06:55 am PDT

It’s middle of the night in USA, finally here in Prague!

First the bad news:

Our flight was delayed twice, the first flight was cancelled and then the second flight they couldn’t find a crew! We were stuck in Amsterdam for 7 hours.

We finally made it to Prague at 8:30 PM but then spend another 2 hours at the baggage claim because they lost Zedushka’s garment bag! Which was kind of inevitable when you think about the number of aircraft and flight delays that were involved. So we are waiting for KLM to deliver it to the apartment in Prague where we are staying for the next 2 days.

On top of that it’s cold & raining, not the best kind of weather to stroll around and explore. :(

Now the good news,

this apartment is a palace! 2 bedrooms, completely furnished, fully equipped kitchen (not that we are planning on having a dinner party) right in the middle of Josefov. One of the views from the apartment window is the Old Cemetery (inorite)

I just looked outside. The rain has stopped, they are setting up the souvenir stalls on the Maiselova.