
Tuesday Night Jam: Glen Hansard, "Roll on Slow"

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))2/28/2018 4:59:08 am PST

re: #24 Anymouse 🌹

Conservatism does not accept responsibility nor take courageous stands.

There is Conservatism as a political philosophy and there is the modern movement that call itself Conservative. They have little to do with each other.

I am a Conservative at heart: I value “conservative” values like strong families, individual initiative, self-reliance, a free market, etc.

But I am at total odds at how modern “conservatives” approach these values: families need strong communities and schools to flourish, not tax-cut wastelands.

Individuals and families with limited incomes cannot be expected to be able to negotiate on equal terms with multi-billion-dollar international corporations for employment, insurance or financial services: for that we need unions, financial regulation, consumer protection agencies and ACA state insurance exchanges.

A Free Market is supposed to function for the benefit of all participants, consumers as well as producers, employees as well as employers.