
Jim Jefferies Explains How Republicans Deflect Blame After a Tragedy [VIDEO]

lawhawk10/31/2018 12:26:01 pm PDT

re: #27 Scottish Dragon

I’ll be blunt.

France, Poland, the Low Countries, Czechoslovakia, and Russia were all invaded and occupied by goddamned Nazis despite having entire armies, air forces, and all kinds of sophisticated killing instruments at hands (battleships, planes, tanks, heavy armor, guns, etc.).

Jews with handguns, or even machine guns wasn’t stopping the goddamned Nazis if entire armies didn’t do the trick.

The goddamned Nazis specifically imposed gun confiscation on Jews at same time they deprived them of their civil rights (even before the concentration camps and death camps). Even if the Jews somehow managed to hold on to their guns, they still would have been utterly crushed by the Nazis - in significant part because the anti Semites across Germany and Europe were more than willing to look the other way while Jews were marched to the camps and more than a few willingly helped.