
Got Live if You Want It: Trump Press Conference, Featuring Extra BS

Jay C8/23/2020 2:58:10 pm PDT

re: #23 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

I was going to say, haven’t they been using it since the opening days of the pandemic, basically as soon as enough people had recovered to start collecting donations? We should have quite a bit of data, and if it was an earth-shattering success, I’m pretty sure we’d have known about it.

I think we Do know about: at least (IANAD disclaimer) I’ve also been hearing about “convalescent plasma” for months - local blood drives have been asking for it since about April. The problems are (at least AFAIK) that it 1) doesn’t confer immunity to infection like a vaccine does; 2) it only confers a level of resistance - victims still can get an infection/reinfection; 3) even if it was/is an effective prophylactic against the Coronavirus, the plasma would still need to be collected, tested, distributed and administered under conditions that don’t exist in large areas of the country, and that this incompetent Administration is incapable of implementing in any case.

So not QUITE “snake oil”, but not a “miracle cure”, either.