
Bluegrass Goes Punk Metal: The Dead South, "Chop Suey"

steve_davis3/06/2022 12:27:30 pm PST

re: #35 Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire

Looks good. Grilling or baking them?

gonna throw them in a skillet and sear both sides. when I don’t marinate, I usually do that and then cut the heat back and throw in a cup or so of chicken or beef broth, covered, to let them simmer. But with the marinate, that’s just way too juicy. So, a nice sear and then a 30 minute or so low cook in the iron skillet. Sounds caveman primitive, but they really do come out tender. Probably helps that I use a butcher who really knows his business. Had a tenderloin of his last night that was a point and out of sight.