
Video: Trump Prison Fears Mount as Judge Says He'll Be Treated Like Any 'Criminal Defendant'

Joe Bacon ✅8/11/2023 6:46:03 pm PDT

re: #29 wrenchwench

We were not prepared for the post-Obama backlash.

I saw it coming because I saw Jesusbot family members foaming at the mouth and letting their racism run unchecked like the dam was broke.

I saw it coming because of the callers I deal with at work who loved shooting their mouths off about how they hated “N-Words”.

I saw it coming because of the hate that oozed from Rush Limbaugh and clones like Rose and Quinn in Pittsburgh, The Regular Guys in Los Angeles who were fired from KLSX for their racism and other Rush wannabes

I saw it coming because of the hate that oozed from Rick Wilson’s megachurch and spread throughout megachurches in the US.

I saw it coming from right wing websites like Free Republic, Drudge, RedState.

And I saw how billionaires poured endless money into amplifying the 24/7 Republican Bullshit Machine.