
New Music From Crowded House: "Some Greater Plan"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/07/2024 9:23:03 pm PDT

re: #31 A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS

And of course you’ve actually read all of them.

I have not read his books on linguistics either, before he became a libertarian wingnut.

Do you think anti-racism is as harmful as racism? (his words in his article)

Do you think “white fragility” is a condescending term? (his words)

Is racist technology only a bug and “not a crime?” (Nice conflation by him. It is well-documented that racial bias assumed in the design of equipment and software has real-world harms to minority members of society, from medicine to arrests.)

Is “microaggression” the new racism? (His words)

You can be both a well-known academic (his linguistic work) and still be a racist.

I’ll move on, though.