
Amazon CEO Apologizes for Orwell Deletions

jorline7/24/2009 12:37:17 pm PDT

Obama says he didn’t mean to slight Cambridge police

President Obama said Friday he spoke with the police officer who arrested a Harvard professor and told the officer he did not mean to malign the Cambridge Police Department.

Obama’s phone conversation came about two hours after police unions said Obama should apologize to members of the Cambridge Police Department for saying they acted stupidly, the president of a city police union said Friday.

Dennis O’Connor, president of the Cambridge Police Superior Officers Association, also took aim at Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, who reportedly has characterized the arrest as “every black man’s nightmare and a reality for many black men.”

Echoing the words of arresting officer Sgt. James Crowley — who handcuffed Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. last week — O’Connor said he was dismayed that the president and governor would opine on the issue without all the details.

Stupid comment by the Governor and the President.