
Video: Fox News Pimps Creationist Grievance-Mongering and Book-Banning

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/09/2010 3:02:14 pm PDT

re: #37 LudwigVanQuixote

Yes it hurts their feelings when you talk the truth.

The essence of the religious right has always been a massive inferiority and persecution complex.

So say it more strongly.

If you take the creation story literally, you are not only turning it into just a myth, but you are rejecting all evidence in the hopes of ego preservation.
You are not only removing the possibility of the real truth in the bible being looked at many good folks who are now turned off by your stupidity, but you are presuming to speak for G-d Himself and doing a very poor job of it.

If you believe in G-d and you believe that He did create the universe, than an investigation of how he put it together is nothing more than a revelation of His will.

Fundies like that are not just presuming to destroy science, but they are denying the will of G-d in the misuse of the name of G-d. And they are doing a very good job of making anyone who is sensible and does believe look stupid by association.

There is, ironically enough, an entire commandment about not misusing G-d’s name. Perhaps they should read that.