
Video: Sen. James Inhofe Boasts of Success in the GOP's War on Science

researchok12/03/2010 2:49:53 pm PST

Clearly, Inhofe has sanity in the rear view mirror.

Here is a suggestion: If we demand psychological evaluations from astronauts, military officers, pilots and others, why not make a psychological evaluation a part of the process of running for office?

I’m not talking about a means test for politics. I’m talking about a means test for sanity. I could care less about Sarah Palin’s politics. I do care that we know she won’t push a red button because God told her to do so. I don’t care about Mr Inhofe’s politics. However, if he is certain there is a secret conspiracy out there, I think we and his constituents need to know.

Politics we don’t agree with and even oddball politics are not a mark of insanity. Behavior and beliefs that reflect concerns from the established norms as understood by mental health professionals are.

People like Inhofe with clear issues with reality have no business being in politics, no matter how ‘respectable’ he might appear.

This is not a partisan issue (on the other side, Dennis Kucinich believes we are being visited by aliens from space).

If school bus drivers have to be screened, I don’t think we’re asking too much that politicians be judged for fitness to serve.