
Wired Journalists Say Chat Transcripts Contain 'Nothing Newsworthy'

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All12/30/2010 2:52:54 pm PST

re: #3 Charles

Not to put too fine a point on it, it’s nuts. Wired is in business to draw eyeballs, just like Greenwald is. If they had something big they would have published it.

My apologies in advance on being all over the map with this post, I’m still trying to digest the details and get a better grasp of what the entire mess is about.

But Charles, I have to disagree with such a blanket statement. There have been many times in which organizations won’t report or release information at the request of the Government. In addition, there are points in which if the information is negative towards their own organization, they may opt not to publish out of self interest (which looks less likely here). And quite simply there may not be anything additional worth releasing. Or heck, maybe there’s stuff Lamo doesn’t want released and could make Lamo look bad. Or maybe there’s stuff that’s unrelated and could be requested by the government to not be released either. Ugh. Brain hurts.

The fascinating thing about the snippets released is how utterly shop talk they are. And yet the most damning information released against Assange is that he set up a server for Manning to dump the information onto. That’s a pretty thin thread to try to indict on conspiracy. Lamo is making claims and so far they’re unsubstantiated by what’s been released. which is the central point that people are missing. Ironically enough, if anything, Assange looks better if in fact this is the worst of it.

So now we have Manning remaining in solitary confinement and being pressured to cooperate against Assange. And for better or worse he either has nothing substantial to give or has been unwilling to give additional information to the Investigators. If nothing else, it’s interesting to see how the government will build their case.