
Graham Joins Loonies, Plans Government Shutdown

What, me worry?1/03/2011 10:57:53 am PST

re: #30 funky chicken

Look up scheme, Ponzi. There’s always been way more people paying SS taxes than retirees. The demographics aren’t pleasant a few years ahead. With extended lifetimes and reduced birthrates, something needs to be done so SS won’t go into the red. Increasing the retirement age and means testing for benefits both make sense.

And don’t even start talking about Medicare. It’s the real budget killer. But increasing the qualification age and means testing could help with Medicare also.

Wow. If I retire at 62, I get about $1500. If at 65, about $2000 and at 70 about $2500. How much more should they increase the age? Until I’m dead? Well that would work, I guess, because I’m not around to use it.

The elderly rely on Medicare and SS. I don’t care if you’re benefit is $500 a month. That means life or death to some people.

You can’t tell me there’s no way to cut the budget other than on the backs of the poor and elderly. I don’t accept that.