
Video: Climategate Part 2, the Quotes and the Context

albusteve11/27/2011 11:19:56 am PST

re: #36 ProLifeLiberal


In 2001, we should have gone balls to the wall. Gotten Iran, Russia, and India into a meeting. Then done something that we haven’t done since 1941.

Declared War on Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Using the fact of not only 9/11, but the at the time well known fact of Pakistan using cells in India to conduct Terror attacks, and well as the Mazar-i-Sharif massacre, which resulted in the death of 20 Iranian Diplomats. The Taliban were nothing more than an extension of Pakistan’s government. This is seen by the fact the Taliban stripped the land of most of it’s resources, and sold it to Pakistan. In fact, I would argue the Taliban was a colonial organization of a sort.

At the time, I think Pakistan’s nukes were much more primitive, and we might have had the technology to knock down the missiles that were launched.

re: #32 windsagio

Pakistan DOES have a history of sending terrorists over a border. The Indian one.

a Pakistani nuke will never get off the ground…no way