Comment vs. National Review

SanFranciscoZionist12/15/2011 12:24:00 pm PST

re: #35 mattand

It’s been fascinating to watch one friend of mine, who considers himself conservative. He sort of gets the current GOP is a bit touched in the head. However, he now resorts to invoking the Magical Balance Fairy whenever politics comes up; i.e., “All them durn politicians are the same!”

It’s particularly galling when he waxes poetic about the debt ceiling limit and the completely bullshit super committee. One group of people triggered that mess, and the best he can muster is “Obama and Boehner failed to provide leadership.”

Love him so Colbert, however. Still not sure he’s in on the joke, though.

I can see, just from people here, how stressful this extended silly season is for long-time conservatives and Republican voters of all stripes. The sane ones, I mean. The others are happy to have their blood pressure jacked up by this nonsense, because they believe that this time, their side will win.