
Pamela Geller Spews Hatred at Sandra Fluke: 'Banging It Five Times a Day'

Gus3/04/2012 6:57:36 pm PST

If I remember correctly. Dinesh D’souza once wrote that conservatives [sic] have a lot in common with the Taliban.

D’Souza once again turns his eye for social criticism to liberals, this time asserting their responsibility for the rise of anti-Americanism abroad and perhaps even the terrorist attacks of 9/11. The cultural Left in the U.S., by pressing for sexual freedom for women and gays through birth control, no-fault divorce, and support for gay marriage, has not only undermined American culture but also provoked the ire of religious conservatives in other nations, most prominently Islamic fundamentalists. Contrary to President Bush’s assertions that terrorists and their supporters hate American freedom, D’Souza asserts that what they really hate is our licentious culture. He notes that American conservatives have more in common with Islamic Fundamentalists than with American liberals.

Review for The Enemy At Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11 by Dinesh D’Souza.