
Herman Cain Finds Inevitable New Home in Talk Radio

Simply Sarah6/04/2012 10:11:19 am PDT

re: #36 Learned Mother of Zion

I don’t get it. I totally don’t get it. WTF is wrong with these people? Why can’t they get over it? I used to post over at another forum, and when they all became infected with the swamp fever I got the fuck out of there. Once in a while somebody will post a cached link to some weird shit over there, but I have no interest in what the fever swampers are doing, NONE.

I post at other blogs beside LGF. I enjoy and the other Gawker sites.

This is pure speculation, but I can only assume that in some cases it may be a result of having been banned from LGF, rather than leaving entirely of their own accord. There also seems to be a personal feeling of betrayal (Potentially related to the first thing). Perhaps it just boils down to these being people that thrive on hate and LGF, Charles, and other members being good targets, in their minds, for said hate.