
Albuquerque Police Department Used a Noose as Elite Unit's Icon

Kragar6/15/2012 3:06:58 pm PDT

Apparent break-in attempt at congressman’s home, officials say

Men in masks apparently attempted to break into the Pennsylvania home of Democratic Rep. Robert Brady on Friday, according to his congressional spokeswoman, Karen Warrington.

The phone lines into the house were severed, police said. Brady’s wife was home alone at the time, they said.

Brady, a Philadelphia native, was in Washington at the time of the incident, which occurred in the Pennsylvania city’s Overbrook neighborhood, Warrington added.

Police said Brady’s wife, Debbie, heard a knock at the door, then noticed that neither her cable nor telephone were functioning. She then looked outside and saw three men in her yard wearing surgical masks and hooded sweatshirts.

I don’t think burglars would cut the phone lines. I’m thinking home invasion or kidnapping.