
New Right Wing Fast and Furious Talking Point: Liberals Are Heartless Monsters

palomino6/30/2012 5:42:32 pm PDT

re: #11 Kronocide

I’ve seen ticks used to describe liberals. I called out a douche on Facebook yesterday, to which he called me a liberal tick.

Ticks = bloodsuckers.

In the 30’s Jews were called bloodsuckers. Calling people ticks is passive aggressive Neo Nazi Stormtrooper crap. Nolte is a Bill White who hasn’t been caught going there yet.

The whole tick/bloodsucker/leech meme is of a piece with the “makers vs. takers” and “job creators” rhetoric put out by the right. The ultimate purpose is to pit middle and upper class (especially white) Americans against those who are largely seen as lazy recipients of federal govt largesse—namely, the poor, particularly blacks and Hispanics.

The RW noise machine has actually convinced a big chunk of the electorate that the fed takes hard working white people money and just hands it out in huge chunks to undeserving and shiftless minorities. It’s essentially the Southern Strategy adapted for the 21st century. Sadly it continues to be an effective approach for the right.