
Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

What, me worry?7/12/2012 7:20:07 pm PDT

re: #31 Targetpractice

It pretty much undermines the entirety of Romney’s campaign story, namely “I’m a successful businessman who knows how to create jobs.” He’s been able to dodge Bain’s darker moments between the years of ‘99 and ‘02 for the longest time by insisting he wasn’t there, he was too busy with the Olympics. Now that’s all been shredded by the reality that, even if he was not personally partaking in day-to-day decisions, he was in charge and the buck stopped at his desk.

Well he created jobs. Just not U.S. jobs, which is part of the problem. But then he didn’t do much different than so many other conglomerates. The difference is, he’s running for President, of course.

With the boneheads who reside in my lovely state, I have to wonder how much of it gets through. And Romney didn’t do anything criminal.