
Palin Reacts to Akin Flap With Bizarre Disconnected Rant

Lidane8/21/2012 8:54:46 pm PDT

re: #17 Dark_Falcon

As one wit put it about such a comment: That was worse than wrong, it was stupid.

Mr. Akin should say so.

And so should the pro-life movement.

Unless — and this would be upsetting — he, and the movement, don’t think this comment was stupid.

Pregnancy from rape is rare because a “woman’s body shuts down”?

Who told Mr. Akin this? And why would he believe it, even if some doctor did tell him this?

Dennis Prager clearly has no idea what the hell the pro-life movement has been saying for decades now. This bullshit about a woman’s body shutting down during rape and magically preventing pregnancy isn’t new. For example:

Rape Pregnancies Are Rare

That article is from 1999. Its author, John Wilkie, is not only linked to Akin and is his most likely source for the claim, but he ALSO endorsed Mitt Romney in 2007 and the endorsement was touted by Mittens at the time.