
NBC/WSJ Poll: Obama Leads Romney With African American Voters, 94% to ZERO

Mattand8/23/2012 2:55:57 pm PDT

re: #30 Lidane

Because there are a lot of women that are still conservative and/or Republican for some reason.

I have several friends on FB that are very conservative and they’re ALL moms. I don’t know if becoming a parent automatically makes you more conservative or if they just got more politically active after they had kids or what, but a fair number of women I know are in for the GOP all the way. It’s like they don’t even notice or care about what the actual GOP agenda means for women. They seem to be fine with it as long as people on welfare are drug tested and Obama gets voted out of office.

I’d be curious as to how many of them partied it up before settling down. Regardless of gender, the people I know who caroused the hardest are the ones that became the staunchest conservatives.

I know one guy who was in the thick of the hippy movement in the late 60’s. Born-again Republican who insists that the modern conservative movement is a natural extension of the hippy DIY ethos.

Because we all know how much hippies were against same sex marriage, just as the Bible taught them.

A mutual acquaintance has him pegged perfectly: he feels a ton of guilt for all the things he did as a kid and is now scrambling to get into heaven.