
The Two Most Ridiculous Right Wing Shutdown-Related Fake Outrages

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All10/06/2013 6:34:27 pm PDT

*waves to everyone* Surfacing from studying to say hello and throw my two cents on this.

Hi! I love my classes! :D

I’ve been saying for a long long time that the Republicans would rather rule over the ash heap of a ruined America than be a minority party in a successful country. Sadly, that’s bearing out to be more and more true. And with everyone able to listen to their own respective echo chambers for ‘news’, it becomes easier to ignore reality and instead believe only what they let themselves hear.

Now, I fear we’re about to hit the big crisis. Things are now a zero sum game. If Obama blinks, Then the country and the Executive branch will never be the same. Not only that, everyone loves a winner, if the Tea Party seems to be the winner, then people on the sideline will jump on their bandwagon and we’ll likely be looking at an extremely disturbing future for America. If you think I’m exaggerating or wrong, I hope I am. I just don’t think I am.

Now, if Obama doesn’t blink, and The Republican Tea Party doesn’t fold, we default on our debt and our economy will take some serious hits. What happens then? Will the public blame Obama and the Democrats? or will they turn on the Tea Party and render them ineffective and mute? Or will we limp along in this polarized and corrosive divide continue into 2016? With a crippled economy and no one in government with power.

I happen to like divided government, but I am terrified of dysfunctional government. Which is what we have, and it’s getting worse.

Finally, what happens if the Republicans Fold? Will states try to leave? Will we see the Republican party finally split? With the Tea Party forming their own rump? Or will centrist Republicans and Democrats actually form a party and leave the Tea Party out to dry? I have no clue. I just worry that the fever of the Tea Party won’t break in the next month. And our country is going to suffer because of it.

Thanks for letting me ramble folks.