
Reid Goes Nuclear, Right Wing Whining Reaches Fever Pitch

Dark_Falcon11/21/2013 5:18:51 pm PST

re: #360 FemNaziBitch

So, I’m still reeling about the Store Owner who put the camera’s to monitor the police.

RW Whacko’s are all over the concept of Property Rights. And, yes, this is a part of who and what we are as a country.

They are also big military/law enforcement promoters.

So, it’s ok the cops are violating the Store Owner’s property rights?

Someone help me with the logic here.

The logic for RW Whackos is simple: Earl Sampson is black and poor, so he deserves whatever he gets. If his boss keeps making trouble, then one of the cops needs to ‘Stand His Ground” and deal with that.

/Not kidding

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