
Overnight Open Thread

aboo-Hoo-Hoo2/19/2009 3:12:29 am PST
The chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben S. Bernanke, vowed on Wednesday to do whatever it took to pull the economy out of its downward spiral, even as he acknowledged that the most recent indicators were “dismal.”
Mr. Bernanke made it clear that he supported a stimulus package of increased spending and tax cuts, though he declined to comment on the particulars…[.]

Bleak economic data reflecting a sharpening slide in housing, trade, industrial production, spending and employment rates “more than offset” any potential impact from a stimulus plan, the Fed said in the report which reflected the minutes of its Jan. 27-28 meeting.[.]

Crank-up the printing presses for the Obummer Train to Hell.

Morning folks, Lol, red, Blue, Fenway, x-wing…all. So Dear Lead & Co. knew damned well the Stimu-Less© would have no effect and instead of crafting a package that could change these dynamics, 1 trillion dollars is now going to be spent on special interests with a very real possibility of Dear Leader demanding another package after it’s again too late.

Hype & Short-change!