
Discovery Institute Raises Stink About Vatican Evolution Conference

Wishing3/05/2009 8:37:31 pm PST

re: #377 The Shadow Do

High level meeting at Blenheim Palace (his ancestral home). School field trip (5th grade?). A buddy and I sneaked away from the group to play in the formal hedges in back and to be just generally obnoxious. We got lost in the hedges but eventually made our way out. As we were sneaking around the side of the edifice a black limo suddenly pulled in. Out stepped a couple of security guys and then some stalky fellow with a cigar and a bowler. They approached us and asked who we were. Stammering and stuttering to the security guys we managed to convey what we were there for. Sir Winston stepped forward and uttered these immortal words while patting me on my head - “I like Americans”.


That memory is pure treasure!