
Gadget of the Day: Roomba Vacuuming Robot

austin_blue8/15/2009 11:05:44 pm PDT

re: #365 freetoken

Unfortunately, many of our fellow Americans aren’t really aware of this. I wish more people were serious about how intimately we rely on oil, and the economic consequences of our inability to meet our needs. I post oil related spin-offs occasionally… but it gets old I guess.

We really need to increase our nuclear capacity, and do it soonest. We will absolutely need our coal and petroleum reserves for plastics and fertilizers and everything else that hydrocarbons help produce. This concept that there is a disconnect between between cap and trade and future economic viability is a straw dog pushed by extractive industries, who want to make their money *now* and fuck us in the long run. There is simply no replacement for hydrocarbons in numerous industries. We can’t be wasting our limited reserves, if you look 500 years down the road, on energy production. Neither can the rest of the planet.

Think this will change the third world’s mind unless we lead the way? I don’t