
Video: The Worst That Could Happen

Mad Prophet Ludwig12/12/2009 8:38:01 pm PST

re: #350 Rightwingconspirator

So fusion really is over? No point in continuing R&D for that as a energy source?

No not at all. Hot fusion works. We have had it in an uncontrolled form since the 50’s, that is a hydrogen bomb, and it is the process that fuels stars in nature.

It is another fact of the universe that if you get light nuclei close enough together, that they will fuse and release huge amounts of energy.

The problem is that nuclei are positively charged and like repells like. You have to push them really really hard. That takes a lot of energy and that is the overcoming the Coulomb potential thing I was talking about.

Stars do it by having so much mass that gravity squeezes the nuclei together. Hydrogen bombs squeeze them using the shockwave of an atom bomb. Hot fusion experiments use either very powerful magnetic fields in what are called tokomaks, or they use very large honking lasers.

Cold fusion assumes that some electro chemical reaction, which just simply does not have the energy to do it promotes the squeezing.

Sort form hot fusion real. Cold fusion fraud.