
Romney Blasts Secularism, Endorses Mixing Church and State

RogueOne12/18/2011 5:28:40 am PST

re: #366 Sergey Romanov

Have you tried to follow up on that NDAA question?

Al Franken: Why I Voted Against the National Defense Authorization Act

Yesterday, the Senate passed a bill that includes provisions on detention that I found simply unacceptable. These provisions are inconsistent with the liberties and freedoms that are at the core of the system our Founders established. And while I did in fact vote for an earlier version of the legislation, I did so with the hope that the final version would be significantly improved. That didn’t happen, and so I could not support the final bill.

The bill that passed on Thursday included several problematic provisions, the worst of which could allow the military to detain Americans indefinitely, without charge or trial, even if they’re captured in the U.S.