
Breitbart Editor Meredith Dake: A Note on Comments

NJDhockeyfan4/03/2012 7:54:15 am PDT

Israel’s U.S. envoy: Award to Helen Thomas shows Palestinians aren’t ready for peace

Long-time reporter, criticized for her 2010 anti-Israel comments, honored by the PLO’s U.S. mission for her defense of the ‘Palestinian position every step of the way.’

A decision by the Palestinian mission to the United States to honor journalist Helen Thomas proves the Palestinians inability to meet the “basic requisites of peace,” Israel’s ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren said on Tuesday.

Oren, responding to a Sunday ceremony in which Thomas was marked for her support of the “Palestinian position, said he “was appalled by the award ceremony given by the PLO delegation in Washington to Helen Thomas, who has been completely shunned by all decent Americans after making anti-Semitic remarks, along with teaching Palestinian children to hate the Jewish State and to glorify suicide bombers.”

“This atrocious act is an indication of the Palestinian Authority’s failure to meet the basic requisites of peace,” he added.

She must be so excited.