
Chuck C. Johnson Is Confused by the Concept of Traveling Nurses

Backwoods Sleuth10/17/2014 9:22:45 am PDT

good grief…

“I was outraged by what I saw,” said Martha Selby, who is the head of the Austin university’s Asian Studies Department.

Selby was on Flight 2325 Thursday evening from Dallas-Fort Worth to Chicago as she made her way to an academic conference.

“She was making her way to the bathroom and vomited in the aisle,” Selby recalled. “The flight attendants, I think, over-reacted completely. It was just crazy.”

The sick passenger, who appeared to be in her 40s, was told by the flight crew that given current public health concerns she would have to tell them where she had been traveling and that she’d have to stay in the bathroom, Selby said.