
Panic-Stricken Politicians Force Mandatory Quarantine on Ebola Health Workers

darthstar10/26/2014 7:55:22 am PDT

re: #378 Sionainn

Oh, don’t go all MBF on us. The assholes in the comments section making rotten remarks are definitely conservatives. That’s your side. Own it.

And the public isn’t panicking. It’s the politicians.

Speaking of Ebola, I was flying Tuesday morning on business and this guy gets behind me in the scurity line at the airport, pulls out a surgical mask, and puts it over his face (because EBOLA!). Me, being me, thought it was a perfect opportunity for a facebook status update with a selfie, and when I lifted my phone to snap the photo, do you know what that bastard did? He fuckin’ ducked! Ruined the shot. I needed his masked face in the background.