
Charles Barkley Urges Final Four and Super Bowl To Stay Out of Indiana

Targetpractice3/28/2015 1:30:33 pm PDT

re: #372 Justanotherhuman

You probably wouldn’t want to eat there anyway…

One Restaurant Already Celebrated ‘Religious Liberty’ By Turning Away Gays

“An Indiana business owner went on a local radio station and said that he had discriminated against gay or lesbian couples even before Gov. Mike Pence (R) signed a law on Thursday protecting business owners who decide to discriminate for “religious liberty” reasons. He then defended the practice and suggested he would do it again.

“The business owner, who would not give his name or the name of his business, said he had told some LGBT “people” that equipment was broken in his restaurant and he couldn’t serve them even though it wasn’t and other people were already eating at the tables. “So, yes, I have discriminated,” he told RadioNOW 100.9 hosts. The hosts were surprised the owner said he was okay with discriminating.

“Well, I feel okay with it because it’s my place of business, I pay the rent, I’ve built it with all my money and my doing. It’s my place; I can do whatever I want with it, “he said. “They can have their lifestyle and do their own thing in their own place or with people that want to be with them.” More

Cowardly move, not giving his name and name of restaurant. Yeah, these people are principled. Not.

This is why I always get a laugh out of those libertarians who tell me that capitalism and the “free market” will do away with such views, that businesses which discriminate will be punished with lower revenues and fewer customers until the only businesses that remain are those that don’t discriminate. Because the reality is that jackasses like this will use anonymity to hide their bigotry, will always deny it when called out, and can expect plenty of fellow bigots to support them rather than shun them.