
The Trump Campaign in a Nutshell: Kicks Out Mexican-American Reporter, Says "Go Back to Univision"

Nyet8/25/2015 8:04:50 pm PDT
Taken over the course of 3 weeks, travelling from St Petersburg to Hong Kong via Ulan Bataar and Beijing.

Between March and April, 2015, my partner and I travelled over 10,000km. We covered one quarter of the way around the planet, the vast majority by train. Using a small, second hand digital camera and a sticky camera mount, I recorded the majority of the train journeys.

What you see is over 200GB of footage, shrunk into a single image using a technique known as slitscan. Every frame, I take the middle column of pixels and concatenate it to the image. Each vertical column of pixels represents 1/30th of a second. This adds up into a huge strip, which is then cut and pasted into a more pleasing rectangle.