
A Fantastic, Moving Short Film by Pixar Animators: "Borrowed Time"

Dangerman10/15/2016 11:03:34 am PDT

Donald Trump Is Probably Past The Point Of No Return

headline notwithstanding, i think this is important:

The evidence is still coming in, but polls so far suggest that the tape of Donald Trump discussing sexual assault and the ensuing accusations didn’t cause support for the GOP presidential nominee to collapse.

Instead, the week’s events seem to have reinforced a downward trend that started at the beginning of the month. He’s unlikely to recover, and Trump’s odds of winning on Nov. 8 are less than 1 in 10, according to HuffPost’s projections.

for two reasons, one positive one not:

he was already tanking past redemption whether the tape and its aftermath happened or not

and if the first paragraph is so, why *didnt* the tape cause his support to collapse totally?