
Obama Suddenly Worried About Freeing Gitmo Terrorists

redheadredstate2/02/2009 12:35:38 pm PST

re: #361 Spenser (with an S)

So, I was buying beer at the store yesterday and I one of the women’s magazines had the headline “Secrets of a Whitehouse Mom” and I thought “Cool, they let Laura write an open letter to Michelle like her girls did for the Obama girls”.

Nope. Closer examination revealed an article by MICHELLE OBAMA! What, 2 weeks in and she has these great Secrets to share with us?! Unreal.

If the MSM were any more in bed with these libtards it would be x-rated. I’ve come to the conclusion that they don’t even want to hide their bias because they know that about half of this country will buy their rags and watch their programs. They don’t care about the other half at all.