
UN Can't Wait to Prosecute Bush Officials

Gus4/24/2009 11:50:33 am PDT

This is out of control. With the recent release of CIA memos by Barack Obama and the upcoming release of 44 photo of Gitmo detainees matters are sure to get worse. Combined with the call from Manfred Nowak as noted in this article and the threats of congressional investigations coming from congress most notably Nancy Pelosi 2009 may prove to be a media circus for the circumstance surrounding enhanced interrogation techniques.

Barack Obama is a party to these events. He is active in a passive-aggressive ploy in an attempt to deflect any blame from the damage this will cause to the CIA and the troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan. His passivity come in the form of weak language against a congressional witch hunt. Instead we get 2nd hand information from Robert Gibbs that now is “not a time for retribution”

As POTUS it is up to Barack Obama to take an active role in reigning in this growing national security disaster before it gets out of hand. It may be too late because this current activity put any upcoming prosecution of Gitmo detainees in serious doubt and only serves to feed the defense. Thus they have tainted the jury.