
Teabonics Sign of the Day

Kruk4/15/2010 9:27:43 pm PDT

re: #307 windsagio

The problem I have with vouchers, and some of the other comments in this thread too, is the ‘fuck society I have mine’ attitude.

Thats the voucher thing in a heartbeat. “I don’t want to put my kid in public school, so my money shouldn’t go to pay for those schools”.

Kidless people that bitch about school levys and such are the same thing.

Selfish bastards.

It’s even worse than selfish, it’s stupid. We all benefit from good public schools (and like everything else, being good takes an investment of money), whether we send our own kids to them or not, or even whether we have kids or not. Education is a public good as well as a private good, because the country benefits economically from having a skilled, literate and numerate population, as well as socially from having a population that is knowledgeable and involved. Private schools will never be able to cater to more than a small fraction of the population, and you can’t let the public school system get run down by refusing to pay for it.