
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): 'We Are In the Last Days'

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin7/18/2011 9:48:37 pm PDT

re: #370 Dark_Falcon

forced busing

The world’s most egregious misnomer.

Nonwhite children were force-bused all over the planet before court-ordered ends to segregation. It also wasn’t as widespread as the rw likes to claim — in fact, most school districts complied with the Brown decision except those packed with rightwing bigots.

That said, I am more or less against the busing solution, having grown up in one of the white areas and then put on some stupid bus to the low income school (read: predominately nonwhite) for band and gifted student class.

Totally absurd, and not worth it.

being a good example. It’s seem more on the right than on the left, but its still there. What, after all, are the “Gaza Flotillas” but an attempt to abridge Israel’s lawful right to self-defense.

The Gaza flotillas are packed with cranks who wouldn’t know a “freedom ride” from a hole in the ground.